Everyone wants to be smarter, but how much of a difference can we really make?
Types of Intelligence
● Crystallized
The information and functional knowledge stored in the brain
● Fluid
The ability to learn and think critically
How to Strengthen Your Fluid Intelligence
Previously thought to be untrainable abilities, information processing and problem solving skills are now believed to be improved by the following exercises:
• Memory training
Uses strategic activities to increase activity in the prefrontal cortex and target the brain’s weak memory centers
• Working Puzzles
Requires the integrated interpretation of multiple sets of information such as shape, pattern, and orientation
• Meditating
Sustaining attention and vigilance improves short-term memory
• Learning a new language
Switching between languages ignites the prefrontal cortex, where higher-order functions occur
• Napping
Resting for 90 minutes recharges and strengthens power in the hippocampus, thus improving memory and navigational skills
• Physical exercise
Stimulates production of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which nurtures the creation of new neurons and synapses
• Drinking coffee
Strengthens electrical activity between neurons
Are You Getting Any Smarter?